Electricity Connections. Simplified.
Grid connections are very technical. So, there are lots of technical terms used. Here’s our guide to some of the common acronyms, words and phrases you’ll come across.
Term | Explanation |
Adoption Value | The value paid to an Independent Connection Provider (ICP) or Developer for a Network that will be adopted be Eclipse Power Networks |
AV | Adoption Value |
ABSD | Air Break Switch Disconnector |
ANM | Active Network Management |
Asset Value | The value assigned to an adopted Network |
BMOCS | Broad Measure of Customer Service (OFGEM measurement of DNO / IDNO customer service |
BSC | Balancing and Settlement Code |
BNO | Building Network Operator |
BSP | Bulk Supply Point |
CB | Circuit Breaker |
CiC | Competition in Connection |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management System |
D | Distribution |
DSO | Distribution System Operator |
DG | Distributed Generation |
DCUSA | Distribution Connection and Use of System Arrangement |
Developer | Building developer of housing, commercial and generation developments |
DMS | Document Management System |
DNO | Distribution Network Operator |
DTC | Data Transfer Catalogue |
DTN | Data Transfer Network |
DUOS | Distribution Use of System Charge |
EDCM | Extra High Voltage Distribution Charging Methodology |
EHV | Extra High Voltage |
ΕΝΟ | Exempt Network Operator - as defined in Electricity (Class exemptions from the requirement for a license) order 2001; a network operator distributing less than 2.5MW or generating less than 10MW |
ΕΡΝ | Eclipse Power Networks |
ESO | Electricity System Operator |
EV | Electric Vehicle |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GS | Guaranteed Standards |
GSP | Grid Supply Point |
HASWA | Health & Safety at Work Act |
HAUC | Highways Authorities and Utilities Committee |
NHSAC | National Health & Safety Advisory Committee |
HIDEF | Highly Distributed Energy Futures |
HSE | Health & Safety Executive |
HV | High Voltage |
I&C | Industrial and Commercial |
IDNO | Independent Distribution Network Operator |
ICP(s) | Independent Connection Provider(s) |
LDNO | Local Distribution Network Operator |
LILO | Loop-In Loop-Out |
LLF's | Line Loss Factors |
LV | Low Voltage |
MOP | Meter Operator - an appointed agent approved for installing and maintaining electricity metering equipment |
MPAN | Metering Point Administration Number (Electricity) |
MPAS | Metering Point Administration System |
NaFIRSR | National Fault and Interruption Reporting Scheme |
NERS | National Electricity Registration Scheme |
Network Assets | Cables, structures, substation buildings, switchgear, easements and wayleaves |
NG | National Grid |
OFGEM | Office of Gas and Electricity Markets: The regulator for Britain’s gas and electricity industries whose priority is to make a positive difference for consumers. They regulate the companies that operate the pipes and wires that transport gas and electricity across the country into homes or businesses, by overseeing the energy market, setting obligations about how energy suppliers act and promoting competition as appropriate. These obligations are designed to make sure that investment needed in pipes and wires that transport energy happens on time and is delivered at the most efficient cost to consumers. |
OHL | Overhead Line |
POC | Point of Connection |
POS | Point of Supply |
PP | Project Progression |
PSS | Primary Substation |
STOR | Short Term Operating Reserve - A service for the provision of additional active power from generation and/or demand reduction |
SoW | Statement of Works |
T | Transmission |
TO | Transmission Owner |
UGC | Underground Cable |
UOS | Use of System Charges |